Global Game Jam 18 is over!

This will be my first real blog post. Yay! (Where I learn using markdown properly.)

First of all, Global Game Jam is a game jam where participants are expected to make a game in 48 hours. One of the most known game jams out there, right next to Ludum Dare. If you know about me you’d knew that I try to participate in each Ludum Dare. The difference is that Ludum Dare is purely online, GGJ isn’t. You physically need to visit a jam site to be able to participate in GGj, which I did.

I spent the weekend at GGJege with my friend and prototyped a game called Achoo. The theme was “Transmission”. After scratching some ideas we decided to go with “transmitting a disease” concept. You are basically playing as a sickness in an office setting where people are walking around randomly. With several actions in your disposal you need to infect everyone in the office.

Here is the link to the jam page: Achoo

Jam site was great. I am okay with the project we ended up with. Of course there is a huge room for improvement but I believe we did fine for a team of 2 programmers. That’s all for this time. Thanks for reading!

Written on January 28, 2018